Type: Branding Design 
Team: Duo Collaboration​​​​​​​
Client: Ryerson University School of 
Interior Design-Design Centre.
Note: This branding project is currently being used by the Ryerson School of Interior Design-Design Centre.
Following the Values.
Logo designed based on the three values of the Design Centre: 
1- Circular Learning and Research. 
2- Bridge to Industry - ‘light the focus’. 
3- Sustainability and Healthy Materials.
Flexibility of Use. 
The capacity of the logo's adaptation to different media and services offered by the RSID Design Centre was highly valued in the design process. Flexibility through the integration of research Stages that the client follows to help identify publications and strengthen branding 
Flexibility through the logo's easy to scale & use feature allowing usage within various media platforms making posting enjoyable. 
Process Iterations.
iIeration 01
iIeration 01
iterations  02 (chosen)
iterations 02 (chosen)
iIeration 03
iIeration 03

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